Kangaroo Kids


The most critical years of learning for a child is from birth to the age of five when brain development is at its fastest. During pre-school years a child's potential is converted into actual intelligence.

At Kangaroo kids a child is provided with positive pre-school experience which deeply impacts his/her future learning and development.

The system of education at Kangaroo Kids Pre-school is based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. This helps our students to master the higher order thinking skills, equipping them to convert their knowledge into solutions for real life problems.

Higher order thinking skills enable students to:

  • Move beyond just knowing and understanding to applying knowledge
  • Explore the reason behind things and its finer nuances. 
  • Evaluate from more than one perspective.
  • Create new and exciting things based on their discoveries and evaluation.

The emphasis on utilising higher order questions not only decides what is taught; it also influences how it is taught as well as assessed. For instance, teachers do not constantly test students with factual, literal, knowledge-based questions that require students to merely draw on short-term memory. Instead, they are taught to understand, think, apply, analyse, evaluate and create through questions of a higher order.

# Lower-order questions Higher-order questions
Examples Which new toy was given to Peter? Why do you think Peter was given the new toy?

Remembering and understanding

Remembering and understanding

Complex application, analysis, evaluation or creation

Encouraging students to think deeper and critically evaluate

Useful for

Diagnosing strengths and weaknesses

Reviewing and summarising the content

Representation and Symbolic Thinking

Problem solving

Encouraging discussions

Activities like role-plays, dramatization of stories and using puppets are conducted

Stimulating students to seek information on their own

  • Fun of Learning
  • Fun of Learning
  • Fun of Learning
  • Fun of Learning